True Creation is like Sex

True Creation is like Sex

The energy of how God wants to move through you is signaled in your body as the sensation of Desire.

Your desire is holy.

This is why the flex is rewiring trust with your desire, or even the capacity to feel it at all.

Let alone back it.

Backing your desire means serving it at any (ego) cost.

Your mind will try to talk you out of it. “Who are you to…?” “What will people think of you?” “You’re crazy.”

It will want you to abort.

The classic tale of mind vs heart.

But it doesn’t have to be a versus.

When you let the sacred feminine be the call (your holy desire), the sacred masculine responds in reverence (how may I serve thee, my sexy Queen).

This is how true creation works.

Mind serves heart.

The masculine holding protects the feminine opening - moment by moment, constantly adjusting to what’s true.

The feminine is like, ooh, there. And the masculine is like, got it.

And as he penetrates right on the spot, he gets off on HER pleasure.

Sacred Union happens.

But the masculine sure as f-ck isn’t going to trust the feminine if the feminine doesn’t even trust the feminine to claim her desire.

He is going to think he knows better. He is going to try to hit spots that just feel off. He is going to try to hijack the hook-up. Make it about his pleasure. Override her. Ignore her. Lay it on so thick she’s like, please god let this be over. And he will spill his seed before she ever had a chance to really receive it and take it all the way in.

Game over.

So, if you don’t trust your desire, that’s where you begin.

The alchemical sacred union of ‘Hieros Gamos’ activates when you can be clear on your desire - even when it seems crazy/unclear (feminine), and then get it up for yourself (masculine).

Feminine: This. Even though I don’t know what this is or why.

Masculine: Yes. I’ve got you.

This is all there is to do.

Saying yes to your desire is a massive initiation.

The rest emerges like a rainbow bridge.

She steps, he catches her fall. Moment by moment.

The symbol of the path

The symbol of the path

True Service

True Service