Feminine Embodiment

Feminine Embodiment

My greater body of work is coalescing into a complete form. The Priestess Path is the lived embodiment of these four quadrants:

1. Ascension (but not in the spiritual bypassing, disembodied sense. Rather in the ‘bringing your higher self into 3D reality now’ Shamanic sense). It’s the true creation of the work you came here to do as a bridge between dimensions. It’s living and serving as your true Essence, based on the dormant soul memory and latent spiritual mastery you bring forth through your unique soul lineage. Multidimensional templates and energy healing fall in this quadrant. I catalyze this Remembrance with the eros of clarifying Pele energy.

2. The Nervous System. This repair is essential to being able to channel God, and be in your Woman, rather than live as your inner child. It is also the culprit behind every dysfunctional behavior in your life. Without safety, there is no power. You cannot grow and evolve. You stay stuck in the illusion of the game. Inner child work falls in this quadrant. This is the emotional healing of Demeter.

3. Karmic Integration. This is really the transmutation of your wounds. The ability to clearly see the patterns you are running, and dismantle them. This is where you stop abandoning yourself and follow the thread of Truth in all things. You become fully responsible for your creatorship with compassion and grace. Shadow work falls in this quadrant. This is the alchemy of The Magdalene.

4. Life Nutrition. You learn how to feed yourself on all levels, physically, emotionally, energetically, mentally. You become receptive and open to nourishment. You land in the care and tending of your body. And as you learn to trust her communications as priority, you receive the orgasmic life force of Shakti. Embodiment falls in this quadrant.

Each is required for the other. You can’t have mastery in one without working all of them:

You can’t embody your essence and ascend without alchemizing.

You can’t alchemize without a regulated nervous system.

You can’t have a regulated nervous system without being well fed.

You can’t be well fed when your dysregulated nervous system is driving your feeding behaviors.

And so on.

This is the culmination of the work I guide my initiates through.


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The Witch Wound

The Witch Wound

The Nervous System & Ascension

The Nervous System & Ascension