True Service

True Service

I received a well-intended email from someone on my list today about always remembering to “stay in service to others”.

I replied: “I don’t serve others, I serve the frequency of God flowing through me.” (this teaching was embodied through my lineage holder Perri Chase)

And I trust that that clear expression will serve others as God intends.

Not always in the way they would prefer.

But always in Truth.

Feel the energetic difference of that.

True service is getting on your knees to your Desire as God’s expression.

Backing it even when it confronts your ego (or theirs), because it would be much more convenient not to.

My students - who are grown adults - don’t ‘need’ me.

They are whole divine beings.

They choose to work with me because I am devoted to the power within. And they desire to be activated into this remembrance.

It is actually very egoic to think that YOU are doing anything for others.

The moment you think you are serving others, it makes you ‘holier than thou.’ It makes you ‘better than’. Your ego has something to hook into.

You are getting off on what it says about you.

In other words, you are making it about you. Not them.

And you become the very thing you are trying to avoid.

The fact that he even shared this quote with me was him being ‘of service’ in this distorted way.

This is not service.

It is a form of rescuing that suggests that he knows better than me what I need - to make himself feel better.

It feeds his ego.

I didn’t consent to his ‘advice.’ I have my teacher for that. He signed up for my email list. Not vice versa.

The feminine doesn’t need any warnings from the masculine about ‘staying humble.’

We’ve got that inferiority side of the ego coin licked.

The feminine needs to repair trust with her full power.

It is not dangerous. It is not something to be watched out for.

If my ego got too big for my britches, Truth (or my teacher) would adjust me down accordingly.

I don’t need a warning about my power.

I have a built in self-correction system called The Dark Feminine.

At this phase of my journey with her, I must be impeccable.

This is the only commitment I need.

To truth in my body.

The rest takes care of itself.

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