What Makes You a Priestess

What Makes You a Priestess

We Do Not Identify As Priestess

We transmit Her.

As Her.

The priestess sees everyone as their own temple. She sees the sacred fire burning in their hearts.

There is no ‘specialness’ required to unite with Source in this way. She sees everyone in their capacity for it.

They don’t come to Spirit through her. But through her, they remember they are Spirit.

She teaches through example. She is open, transparent, vulnerable. Not ‘holier than thou.'

A priestess could be working at a gas station and she would still see it as her temple of service.

She is in her practice at all times. Even when she forgets.

Life itself is the devotion.

She doesn’t hook onto the identity of Priestess. It’s just who she is. How she lives. The frequency of Essence flowing through her.

She could lose everything, and still she would know Herself.

And while she would grieve the loss, she would bow to it too. As Truth.

She is in reverence to everything. And everyone.

When someone cuts her lawn, they are a revered priest of the land.

When someone paints her nails, they are a revered priestess of beauty.

When she makes a payment, she blesses it as energy exchanged for their deep service.

When she washes dishes, she is a grateful priestess of the hearth.

When she gets confronted, she asks: where did I create this?

And she mothers the little one inside who is afraid of not getting her needs met saying: I am here. I will take care of your needs. I will never abandon you.

And sees her inner child as a priestess too.

And as she holds everyone in this exalted light, they become more of who they are under her loving devotion to the deepest thing within them.

True Service

True Service

The Sacred Geometry of The Universe

The Sacred Geometry of The Universe