The Sacred Geometry of The Universe

The Sacred Geometry of The Universe

Do you see the sacred geometry of nature?

Nature holds all the keys and codes for the gentle reactivation of our original essence.

She whispers: remember, remember, remember.

The spiral of a snail shell. The hexagon of the bee hive.

The divine p u s s y portal of the iris.

Regal. The queen.

The cosmic cervix.

The Venusian vulva.

When we open to her, and desire to connect to her medicine, nature has so much wisdom to share with us that works beyond conscious levels of understanding.

It works at the level of our crystalline DNA.

She asks, only, that you receive.

And let her all the way in.

Let her kiss your brow with her breeze and warm your heart with her sunshine.

She literally provides everything we need for the most exquisite life.

She offers nourishment for the nervous system.

Food and medicines and resources to heal anything that ails us (yes, anything).

When you honor her with reverence, she honors you with the same.

Or better said, she honors you with reverence always, continually and benevolently broadcasting her ancient codes of awakening, but when you see her - really see her - that’s when you can feel the reverence she already has for you.

And how she supports you so, so deeply. And always has.

Gaia is a higher consciousness. The goddess. She embodies the divine mother. You carry her essence in your blood and your bones.

She wants to hold you as the child of the universe you are, so that you may emerge as her devoted priestess.

Here to stand with her as she stewards us into the new world.

She bows to you.

Do you?

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