The Wisdom of Fear

The Wisdom of Fear

What would it be like to meet your fears with this much honor?

As though they, themselves, are respected teachers.

And simultaneously, your hurting, starving children.

What would it be like to ask them their wisdom for you?

And really receive it?

With compassion. Love. And Grace.

Grace for this human condition.

Grace for the soul amnesia we all signed up for.

Grace for the vast initiations we have walked through which have left scars of samsara.

Raw trauma points of stuck magnetic energy.

Here for us to melt with the precise attention of our unconditional love?

In this way, they integrate.

They don’t continue to call to them proof of the necessity of their existence to validate themselves.

This is actually the only work we are here to do in the human realm.

To open to the terror (and, beneath it, the rage and the grief) within us with such soft permission that it becomes the light.

And in so doing the priestess becomes the grand space-holder for All That Is.

Anything true and beautiful that is birthed is meant to bring these shadows up for you to be seen, known, witnessed.

This is really the only point.

This way, they aren’t coming out sideways, secretly driving the power bus.

The priestess is. But they get to come along for the ride. Excitedly backing the divine desire rather than sabotaging it.

Which transmutes into True Service.

No hooks. No attachments. No need for external validation. No scarcity.

Clean. Clear. Devoted. Supported. Opulent.


Deeply bowed.

To the power within.

From which place you have no choice but to stand for the power without.

The Sacred Geometry of The Universe

The Sacred Geometry of The Universe

You Are Not Meant To Be Anonymous In This Lifetime

You Are Not Meant To Be Anonymous In This Lifetime