Your Body, Your Pendulum

Your Body, Your Pendulum

The body is the ‘pendulum’ of your life.

She is your divining tool. Your channel.

This is why care of the nervous system is so important.

When it is not in its parasympathetic ventral vagal mode, it is simply not available to cleanly channel higher energies through its mechanism.

This is also why eating natural foods is important, as is drinking clean water - it is a conductor of electricity (shakti, life force). Trace minerals are really helpful here.

Anything not natural creates interference in the reception of the frequencies.

As does alcohol, tobacco, and cannabis.

(When these things are very occasionally used in a ceremonial way, they can be supportive to opening different centers.)

Overeating creates too much density. Undereating creates a lack of stability - there is no grounding cord.

But here is the important thing to know. You aren’t ‘wrong’ or ‘bad’ if you choose to do these things.

Nobody is judging you. Sometimes, if our nervous systems aren’t calibrated yet to live ventral vagal state, it is pure physiological that we need to offgas the energy. We don’t have the capacity to hold all that lifeforce yet. This takes training.

And these behaviors need acceptance and approval before they are truly integrated. You can’t bypass the alchemy your soul came here to do related to your use of these substances.

Know that no matter what, the higher energies are still coming through, it’s just more challenging if the system is particularly heavy, dense, ungrounded, or distorted.

But it IS a choice. Which feels more important to your true desire?

Last night I wanted a cigarette. 

Cravings are important messages because they show you where you have energy in your body that you don’t want to hold.

I was like hmm would I rather offgas energy or be a channel for higher knowledge. I chose the layer.

Now, if I had chosen the former, I would have done so with the full awareness of what I was doing. And I would have approved of the fact that:

I had energy in my body I didn’t want to have to hold and so I am off gassing it.

Also, the body can really serve your desire, your pleasure, when she is ON. Every time we numb or offgas, we turn her OFF. (We may think it’s true pleasure to overindulge, but it’s mental masturbation. There is a difference)

Taking care of your body and your nervous system is really not about any of these things:

  • -looking a certain way

  • -avoiding death

  • -what society thinks of you

  • -not getting a disease

  • -morality, guilt, shame

Is about your relationship with her as your biggest ally.

It is important to listen to her messages - if they have gotten to the physical level she is really trying to get your attention that something needs to shift so she can be in her right use.

It’s about reverence for your body as the vehicle for your Essence.

How does your relationship with your body shift when you have this much reverence for her - and for yourself as a master preparing to stand in her ancient power as the higher channel she is?

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